Day | 09:00 - 9:40 AM | 09:40 - 10: 20 AM | 10:20 - 11:00 AM | 11:00 - 11:40 PM | 11:40 - 12:20 PM | 12:20 - 01:00 PM | 01:00 - 01:40 PM |
Saturday | Pharmacology |
Pharmacology |
Surgery |
Surgery |
Anesthesiology ThirdYear(A) |
Anesthesiology ThirdYear(A) |
Anesthesiology ThirdYear(A) |
Anesthesiology ThirdYear(A) |
Sunday | Human Growth and Development |
Human Growth and Development |
Adult Nursing II |
Adult Nursing II |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Monday | Biomedical Investigations and Laboratory practice |
Biomedical Investigations and Laboratory practice |
Biomedical Investigations and Laboratory practice |
Biomedical Investigations and Laboratory practice |
First Aids |
First Aids |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Tuesday | Health Promotion |
Health Promotion |
Medical Microbiology |
Medical Microbiology |
Nursing ThirdYear(A) |
Nursing ThirdYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Wednsday | Pathophysiology |
Pathophysiology |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |
Nursing SecondYear(A) |