Day | 09:00 - 10:00 AM | 10:00 - 11: 00 AM | 11:00 - 12:00 AM | 12:00 - 01:00 PM | 01:00 - 02:00 PM | 02:00 - 03:00 PM | 03:00 - 04:00 PM |
Saturday | Pharmacology II |
Pharmacology II |
Anesthesiology Dept. SecondYear(A) Hall 116 |
Anesthesiology Dept. SecondYear(A) Hall 116 |
Sunday | Pharmacology |
Pharmacology |
Anesthesiology Dept. ThirdYear(A) Hall 113 |
Anesthesiology Dept. ThirdYear(A) Hall 113 |
Monday | Physical Pharmacy |
Physical Pharmacy |
Physical Pharmacy |
Physical Pharmacy |
Pharmacology II |
Pharmacology II |
Pharmacy Dept. SecondYear(A) Hall 114 |
Pharmacy Dept. SecondYear(A) Hall 114 |
Pharmacy Dept. SecondYear(A) Hall 114 |
Pharmacy Dept. SecondYear(A) Hall 114 |
Nursing Dept. ThirdYear(A) Hall 115 |
Nursing Dept. ThirdYear(A) Hall 115 |
Tuesday | Introduction to pharmaceutical science |
Introduction to pharmaceutical science |
Pharmaceutics II (Solid Dosage Forms) |
Pharmaceutics II (Solid Dosage Forms) |
Pharmacy Dept. FirstYear(A) Hall 128 |
Pharmacy Dept. FirstYear(A) Hall 128 |
Pharmacy Dept. SecondYear(A) Medical Lab1 (Pharmacy) |
Pharmacy Dept. SecondYear(A) Medical Lab1 (Pharmacy) |
Wednsday | Pharmacology |
Pharmacology |
Introduction to pharmaceutical science |
Introduction to pharmaceutical science |
Cilinical Biochemistry Dept. ThirdYear(A) Hall 339 |
Cilinical Biochemistry Dept. ThirdYear(A) Hall 339 |
Pharmacy Dept. FirstYear(B) Hall 124 |
Pharmacy Dept. FirstYear(B) Hall 124 |